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Culinaria Greece

Greek specialities

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Forfatter   Milona, Marianthi (red.)
Originaltitel Culinaria Griechenland - Griechische Spezialitäten
Oprindeligt udgivet i Tyskland
Original udgivet 2004
Forlag Könemann
Udgivet 2004
Udgave 1
Illustrationer Werner Stapelfeldt
Sider 459
ISBN 3-8331-1053-8
Bognummer 217
Side Opskrifter Opskriftsforfatter
195 Almond and walnut cake (Karidópita)
194 Almond cookies (Kourabiédes)
119 An ancient recipe for cumin sauce
154 Anchovies with tomatoes (Gávros.plakí)
395 Artichokes with fava beans (Anginarokoúkia)
432 Baby eggplants in syrup (Glikó melitzanáki)
355 Baked chickpeas (Revíthia sto foúrno)
356 Baked lima beans (Yígandes plakí)
106 Baked orzo with lamb (Youvétsi me arnáki)
106 Baked orzo with seafood (Youvétsi me thalassind)
107 Baked orzo with vegetables (Youvétsi me lakhaniká)
347 Baked porgy (Sinagrída sto foúrno)
106 Baked rice noodles with lamb (Youvétsi me arnáki)
323 Baked sardines (Gávros sto foúrno)
21 Baked shrimp in tomato sauce (Garídes saganáki)
289 Baked sole (Glóssa sto foúrno)
178 Baklavas
431 Banana cake (Kéik me banana)
403 Barley biscuits, tomatoes, and sheep's milk cheese (Dákos)
267 Bean salad (Yígandes)
373 Bean soup (Fasoláda)
356 Beans in tomato sauce (Fasolákia me domáta)
416 Beef ŕ la Paphos (Vodinó pafítiko)
174 Beef with chestnuts (Moskhári me kástana)
138 Beef with olives (Moskhári me eliés)
173 Beef with white cabbage (Vodinó me lákhano)
267 Beet salad (Pantzária)
119 Bell pepper sauce (Sáltsa piperiás)
356 Black-eyed peas with beet greens (Mavromátika me séskoulo)
209 Boiled fish (Psári vrastó)
86 Braised beef or veal with onions (Stífádo)
401 Braised wild goat (Agrími stifádo)
412 Brandy sour
308 Bread (Psomí)
152 Breaded frogs' legs (Vatrákhia pané)
115 Calf's brain omelet (Omeléta mialó moskharísio)
416 Calf's liver (Sikotáki moskharísio)
266 Carrot salad (Karóto saláta)
395 Celery with peas (Sélino me araká)
302 Chicken soup with egg and lemon sauce (Kotósoupa avgolémono)
402 Chicken with eggplant purée (Hungiar beyenti)
415 Chicken with oregano (Kotópoulo me rígani)
305 Chicken with wheat (Kotópoulo me pligoúri)
355 Chickpea rissoles (Revithokeftédes)
374 Chickpea/garbanzo bean soup (Revithósoupa)
33 Chocolate torte (Pásta sokolatína)
316 Christmas cookies (Melomakárona)
193 Cinnamon rings with currants (Koulourákia me kanéla)
202 Consecrated bread (Litouryá)
202 Cookies with retsina and Turkish delight (Methisména)
104 Corfu bread pudding (Poutínga)
112 Corfu pea purée (Tsoukáli)
115 Country omelet (Omeléta khoriátiki)
265, 267 Country-style salad (Khoriátiki saláta)
155 Crayfish in oil and lemon sauce (Karavídes me ladolémono)
155 Crayfish in tomato sauce (Karavídes saganáki)
322 Crayfish with vegetables (Astakós mayátikos)
377 Cuttlefish with rice (Soupiés me piláfi)
377 Cuttlefish with spinach (Soupiés me spanáki)
223 Cuttlefish with spinach and fresh herbs (Soupiés me spanáki ke fréska mirodiká)
346 Cyclades mackerel (Goúna)
353 Cyclades mushroom salad (Manitária saláta)
222 Deep fried squid (Kalamarákia tiganitá)
55 Deep fried stockfish with garlic cream sauce (Bakaliáros me skordaliá)
153 Eel in a clay tile (Khéli se keramídi)
60 Eel in blackberry sauce (Khéli me sáltsa ap? vatómoura)
60 Eel in tomato sauce (Khéli me sáltsa domáta)
117 Egg and lemon sauce with cream (Kréma avgolémono)
117 Egg and lemon sauce, version 1 (Avgolémono 1)
117 Egg and lemon sauce, version 2 (Avgolémono 2)
27 Eggplant purée (Melitzanosaláta)
277 Eggplants in tomato sauce (Melitzánes yakhní)
52 Feta cheese crackers (Biskotákia me féta)
91 Fig cakes (Sikoméda, sikópita)
215 Figs in grape must (Síka moustoména)
149 Fíllo pastry with cream filling (Bougátsa)
51 Fish cooked in vinegar (Psária xidáta)
291 Fish fillet with oregano (Psári sto foúrno me rígani)
239 Fish fillets in walnut sauce (Peshe en sáltsa)
381 Fried anchovy rissoles (Gavrokeftédes)
165 Fried chicken livers (Sikotákia poulión)
277 Fried eggplant slices (Melitzánes tiganités)
357 Fried lima beans (Yígandes tiganití)
346 Fried picarel (Marídes tiganités)
152 Frogs' legs in tomato sauce (Vatrákhia me sáltsa domáta)
405 Fruit salad (Froutosaláta)
85 Garlic cream (Skordaliá)
76 Greek biscuits (Paximádia)
192 Greek Easter bread (Tsouréki)
191 Greek Easter soup (Mayirítsa)
209 Greek fish soup (Kakaviá)
47 Greek noodles (Khilopítes)
213 Green omelet (Prásini omeléta)
142 Grilled calf's liver (Sikotákia moskharísia sti skhára)
322 Grilled crayfish (Astak?s skháras)
209 Grilled fish (Psári skháras)
416 Grilled ground meat rolls (Seftaliá)
222 Grilled octopus (Khtapodáki psitó)
70 Grilled pork chops (Khirinés brizóles skháras)
120 Grilled red mullet (Barboúni psitó)
190 Grilled tripe roll (Kokorétsi)
108 Ground meat and macaroni bake (Pastítsio)
70 Ground meat rolls in tomato sauce (Soutzoukákia)
21 Hake with spinach (Bakaliáros me spanáki)
171 Hare in walnut sauce Lagós me karídia
261 Honey doughnuts (Loukoumádes)
154 Honey-glazed shrimp (Garídes me méli)
351 Jellied pork with seasonal vegetables (Tsiladiá)
231 Kafés frappe
312 Kóliva
416 Lamb cooked in a clay pot (Arní ston tavá)
379 Lamb or veal casserole (Tas kebáp)
82 Lamb with artichokes (Arnáki me angináres)
190 Lamb with asparagus (Arnáki me sparángia)
351 Lamb with potatoes in an earthenware pot (Arní me patátes sto pílíno)
111 Leek salad (Prasosaláta)
72 Lemon potatoes (Patátes lemonátes)
202 Lenten cakes (Nistísima)
355 Lentil rissoles with caper and tomato sauce (Favakeftédes me kápari yakhni)
375 Lentil soup (Fakés)
266 Lettuce salad (Maroúli)
209 Mackerel with oregano (Kolií me rígani)
121 Marinated red mullet (Barboúnia marináta)
290 Marinated swordfish (Xífías marinátos)
193 Marzipan cookies (Amigdalotá)
71 Meat kebabs (Souvlákia)
374 Meat soup (Kreatósoupa)
70 Meatballs (Keftédes)
169 Meatballs in egg and lemon sauce (Kapamás)
45 Milk cake (Galaktoboúreko)
276 Moussaka (Mousakás)
353 Mushroom soup (Manitarósoupa)
353 Mushrooms with onion (Manitária me kremmídi)
58 Mussels au gratin (Mídia saganáki)
290 Mussels with rice (Midopílafo)
316 New Year cake (Vasilópita)
47 Noodles with eggplants (Khilopítes me melitzánes)
222 Octopus with green beans (Khtapódi me fasolákia)
222 Octopus with noodles (Khtapódi me makaronáki koftó)
185 Octopus with plums (Khtapódi me damáskina)
118 Oil and lemon sauce (Ladolémono)
270 Okra in oil (Bŕmies laderés)
375 Onion soup with cheese (Kremmidósoupa me tirí)
405 Orange liqueur (Likér a?? portokáli)
431 Orange syrup (Sirópi a?? portokáli)
417 Partridge with caramelized figs (Perdíki me síka)
238 Passover marzipan (Maronkhinos)
258 Peach compote (Kompósta rodákino)
258 Peaches in red wine (Rodákina se krasí)
146 Phyllo pastry (Fillo ya pita)
370 Pomegranate delight
165 Pork chops with apples (Khirinés brizóles me míla)
416 Pork fillet in red wine (Afélia)
70 Pork in wine (Khirinó krasáto)
112 Pork knuckles with garlic (Kótsi yemistó)
351 Pork shank in foil (Khirinó boúti sti ladókolla)
15 Pork tenderloin with prunes (Khirinó me damáskina)
305 Pork with wheat (Kiskéki)
381 Potato salad (Patatosaláta)
89 Pumpkin in syrup (Kolokítha glikó)
239 Pumpkin pies (Rodankhas de kalavassa amarilla)
267 Purslane salad (Glistrída)
157 Quails with rice (Ortíkia me rízi)
170 Rabbit with egg and cheese sauce (Kounéli tiravgouló)
171 Ragout of hare with olives (Lagós stifádo)
403 Ragout of lamb with rice (Arnáki me rízi)
113 Ragout of pork with spaghetti (Pastitsáda vasilikí)
193 Raisin bread (Stafidópsomo)
266 Red cabbage salad (Saláta apó kókkino lákhano)
121 Red mullet in tomato sauce (Barboúnia me domáta)
32 Rice pudding (Rizógalo)
327 Rice with spinach (Spanakórizo)
169 Rice with vegetables (Bouráni)
303 Roast chicken (Kotópoulo psitó)
241 Roast duck with hazelnuts (Pápia sto foúrno me foundoúkia)
419 Roast lamb (Kléftiko)
70 Roast suckling pig (Gourounópoulo psitó)
266 Rocket salad (Róka)
429 Rose tartlets
269 Saffron butter (Voútiro me kr?ko)
269 Saffron cream (Kréma me króko)
269 Saffron garlic (Krokóskordo)
157 Salmi-style wild boar (Agriogoúrouno Salmi)
351 Santorini tomato fritters (Domatokeftédes Santorínis)
346 Sardine fillets in lemon sauce (Sardéla me sáltsa lemonioú)
21 Sardines in lemon sauce (Sardéles lemonátes)
350 Sausages (Loukánika)
168 Sausages with bell peppers (Spetzofái)
52 Savory crackers (Almirés boukítses)
52 Savory twists (Koulourákia almirá)
112 Scorpion fish in tomato and bell pepper sauce (Bourdéto)
115 Scrambled eggs with bell pepper sauce (Strapatsáda)
61 Sea bass cooked in wine (Lavrakí plakí)
313 Semolina halva (Khalvás me simigdáli)
248 Sesame bars (Pastéli)
232 Sesame rings (Kouloúria)
115 Shrimp omelet (Omeléta me garídes)
342 Skate in tomato sauce (Salákhi kokkinistó)
343 Skate salad (Salákhi saláta)
343 Skate with garlic sauce (Salákhi me skordaliá)
111 Small meatballs (Keftedákia)
377 Smooth dogfish with garlic and potato purée (Galéos tiganitós me skordaliá)
348 Snails with pasta (Salingária me makarónia)
348 Snails with tomatoes and rosemary (Salingária me domáta ke dendrolívano)
374 Soup with meatballs (Youvarlákia)
347 Spetses fish (Psári spetsíótiko)
396 Spiced olive oil (Aromatikó eleólado)
267 Spicy carrot and white cabbage salad (Polítiki)
151 Springtime trout (Péstrofa tis ánixis)
222 Squid with rice and bell peppers (Kalamarákia me rízi ke piperiá)
213 Steamed sea perch (Rofós akhnistós)
271 Stewed vegetables with okra (Briám)
395 Stockfish with leeks (Bakaliáros me prása)
83 Stuffed artichoke hearts (Angináres yemistés)
327 Stuffed bell peppers (Piperiés yemistés)
172 Stuffed cabbage leaves in egg and lemon sauce (Lakhanodolmádes)
276 Stuffed eggplants 'Little slippers' (Papoutsákia)
279 Stuffed grape leaves (Dolmadákia)
142 Stuffed lamb's intestines (Gardoúmba)
293 Stuffed lemon trout (Péstrofa lemona'ti)
353 Stuffed mushrooms (Manitária yemistá)
326 Stuffed onions, Lesbos style (Sogánia)
56 Stuffed sea urchin (Akhinós yemistós)
291 Stuffed sole fillets (Glóssa yemistí)
273 Stuffed tomatoes (Domátes yemistés)
317 Stuffed turkey (Galopoúla)
326 Stuffed zucchini flowers (Kolokitholoúlouda yemistá)
218 Sweet cherry soup (Kerasósoupa)
310 Sweet corn cakes (Bobóta glikiá)
149 Sweet grain soup (Polispóri)
415 Swordfish grilled over charcoal (Xifías sta kárvouna)
42 Syrup and nut rolls (Kade f)
261 Syrup cake (Revan)
118 Tomato and ground meat sauce (Sáltsa domáta me kimá)
119 Tomato sauce (Sáltsa domáta)
273 Tomato sauce (Sáltsa)
375 Tomato soup (Domatósoupa)
202 Tomato soup with noodles (Domatósoupa me zimarikó)
142 Tripe soup (Patsás)
151 Trout with herbs and butter (Péstrofes me voútiro)
61 Tuna fish and chickpea salad (Tónnos me revíthia)
368 Vanília, basic recipe
35 Vanilla ice cream with fresh fruits (Pagotó me froúta)
124 Veal in garlic and wine sauce (Sofríto)
402 Veal in tomato sauce (Kokkinistó moskhári)
138 Veal with eggplant purée (Moskhári me melitzanopouré)
111 Veal with leeks (Moskhári me prása)
185 Veal with prunes (Moskhári me damáskina)
168 Veal with quinces (Moskhári me kidónia)
415 Vegetable kebabs (Souvláki me lakhaniká)
374 Vegetable soup (Khortósoupa)
249 Vegetable soup with tahini (Takhinósoupa)
327 Vegetable stew au gratin (Briámi)
326 Venus clams, Samos style (Petalídes Samiótikes)
312 Wheat and sour milk soup (Trakhanás)
172, 266 White cabbage salad (Lakhanosaláta)
394 White cabbage with pork (Lákhano me khirinó)
355 White eggplant and octopus salad (Saláta me áspri melitzána kai me Ktapódi)
113 Whiting with potato and garlic sauce (Bakaliáros a bianco)
213 Wild boar with eggplants (Agriogoúrouno me melitzánes)
266 Wild herb salad (Zokhós)
354 Yellow lentil purée (Fáva Santorínis)
119 Yogurt and garlic sauce (Yaoúrti me skórdo)
27 Yogurt with cucumber and garlic (Tzatzíki)


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Culinaria Greece (2004)